I am so excited that the farmer's market at Crocker Park opens next Saturday. Yes, I plan on getting up and heading there before I go to class in the morning. I know there won't be my favorite green veggies, but there might be some great bread or something of that sort. Plus, I've just been waiting for local food for so long that I can hardly handle it!
My husband shocked me by suggesting that we use part of our tax refund to beef up our food and water storage. I totally agree. With the devastation in Japan and the craziness in Libya, I think we're all weary of leaning to heavily on Wal-mart. In fact, as I was looking through the Emergency Essentials catalog tonight, I saw that half of there inventory is unavailable due to a lack of supply from Mountain House (one of there main suppliers). When the food storage suppliers run out, you know you better become self-reliant.
As I was searching the web for some great advice on food storage, I found this great blog at gettingrealwithfood.blogspot.com. The author has put out a cookbook in which she includes her "real-life food storage" list. She's all about health and not fads, so you better believe I ordered that book from Amazon faster than you can blink. The book is called The Diet Rebel's Cookbook. I'll be sure to post a review later.

It's been a rough winter. I'm used most of the veggies I stored in the freezer, but sadly neglected some. I'm yearning for flavorful tomatoes and zucchini. I drive past Farmer Tom's house everyday and look longingly at his little stand to see if there are signs of life: right now it's filled to the top with chopped wood. I bought a bike pump to get my bike ready for blueberry picking (in July!). I bought a big pot to put my tomato plant in and I'll be buying a strawberry pot for herbs soon. I plan to be organized and frugal and store a ton for next year. I can't wait to save money on grocery bills.
Anyway, I've tried to continue to be somewhat of a locavore by shopping at local retailers whenever possible. Tonight, my mother-in-law through a bridal shower for my friend, and I got the dessert tray from a local Avon bakery: Carriage House on Detroit Road. Go check them out and give the two nice old ladies some business. The fig bars are amazing and their chicken salad is apparently the talk of the town.
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